Monday, January 1, 2007

Getting There

Getting there in 2007

The year two thousand and seven is here with us .Last year I made a couple of resolutions most of which I kept or tried to keep. The truth be told last year was a difficult year for me spiritually . I continued to struggle with issues I have struggled with for a very long time. But in 2007 I plan on getting THERE .Deon Sanders the famous Dallas Cowboys player once remarked that he once had thousands of shoes but couldn’t take a step to there! He had a fifteen thousand dollar bed but could not get any sleep to dream of there. But when he finally got there he had to share it with the world . Today he proclaims his faith in God around America.

Purpose of life is one of those things many of us struggle with, some do not know what their purpose is, while others know what their purpose is but do not know how to get there. Purpose is often misunderstood to mean what we are in this world to do for our fulfilment .But let me let you in on a little secret your purpose in life is not about you. Purpose in life is about God and what he created you to do(for Him and others). It’s not about your dreams it’s not about your fulfillment it’s about Him .If you get to there! Where God intended you to be and do what he intended you to do .You will find Peace, Perfection and fulfillment.

This year I want to get there. I pray that we all get there! In Jesus, we have complete wholeness and completion. In my young life, I have been through different things and situations but nothing will be like getting there. To walk into God’s purpose and not mine is my hope for 2007 and the rest of my life

I pray you get there too. .Happy New Year

Lots of love

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