The Heart Of The Gospel
READ: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
When E. Stanley Jones, well-known missionary to India, had the opportunity to meet with Mahatma Gandhi, he asked a searching question of India’s revered leader: “How can Christianity make a stronger impact on your country?” Gandhi very thoughtfully replied that three things would be required.
First, Christians must begin to live more like Jesus. Second, the Christian faith should be presented without any adulteration. Third, Christians should emphasize love, which is at the heart of the gospel.
These insightful suggestions are the key to effective evangelism around the world. As messengers of God’s love, we are to be human mirrors who reflect without distortion a growing likeness to our Lord; we are not to walk in “craftiness” (2 Cor. 4:2). If our lives reflect an image that is spiritually blurred, the truth of saving grace may not be clearly communicated (vv.3-5). We are also to share the biblical essentials of our faith clearly. We must not handle the Word of God “deceitfully” (v.2). And our lives are to be marked by love for God and others (1 John 5:1-2).
Let’s be sure that we reflect a clear image of Jesus’ likeness, the truth of God, and love. — Vernon C. Grounds
Called to be salt and light in this world,
Called to preserve and to shine,
Called to reflect the glory of God—
Oh, what a calling is mine! —Fitzhugh
The primary reason for living in this world is to reflect the likeness of Christ.
posted/Edited by
Monday, August 10, 2009
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